© 2008 Sony Pictures

“21” is a new drama based on the true story of how some MIT students conquered Vegas in a card counting scheme that reaped them millions of dollars. Unfortunately, the film doesn’t live up to the success of its real life characters by falling into all too familiar cliches and predictable storylines. The acting is relatively good but the film lacks a standout performance to carry the drama. I think that is what is most disappointing since two of my favorite actors, Kevin Spacey and Laurence Fishburne, are in this film but their characters are mostly in the background. Instead, screenwriters Peter Steinfeld and Alan Loeb focus on the antics of the students who we never really get to know or care about. Four of the students might as well not be there since we never learn a single thing about them. The main character (Ben Campbell played by Jim Sturgess) carries the storyline but we never care about him since we don’t spend much time learning what motivates him. Is he just a poor kid trying to make a buck? Sorry, but that doesn’t get me too interested. There has to be more back story and motivation to get me to care about this guy. The cliche love interest played by Kate Bosworth is equally frustrating. Why is she even in this film if we don’t get a chance to get to know her? Robert Luketic direction is capable, but a far more courageous vision would have delved deeper into the romantically dangerous allure of gambling and how it can destroy lives and relationships. More emphasis on Spacey and Fishburne’s backstory could have given this film a much deeper dramatic story and connected it to the student’s obsessions, but Luketic plays it safe and in the end makes a film that is ok to watch, but leaves the viewer wanting so much more. Wait for the DVD on this one.


Film’s website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/21/

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